Friday, May 09, 2003

Trying to make my profession seem worthwhile, I'm collecting bad headlines found while surfing the Web tonight:

Okla. cleans up from tornado, floods in Tennessee (So nice of Okla. to go so far)
MPs and senators gagged on Hollingworth (He tastes that icky)
Siebel Says Gets Inquiry From SEC (Huh?)
Shades Of Green (If they're going for intriguingly vague, they failed to be intriguing)
SARS-Affected Stocks Could Recover (Or they could get worse; the jury's out)
Heidi Takes A Hit (OK if she's a toker; not OK if she's a Survivor reject)
arthed, any size: The SARS challenge /or/ Keen on a SARS (Woops)


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