Sunday, March 28, 2004

What are they talking about?

First, Howell Raines gave us this nonsensical quote:
These newsroom characters are regarded less as role models than as holy fools whose wisdom, no matter how wacky, is still magical and oracular. For example, some of the weakest writers on the paper are opinion leaders on questions of style and copy editing. Great value is placed on the act of "speaking truth to power," with little regard for the substance of factuality of what is spoken.
What does that mean?

Now, I read this in a review of "Penn & Teller: Bullshit," the raunch-fest on Showtime:
Although Penn and Teller narrate the episode while munching on spare ribs and other former animals, the animal-rights show contains less of P&TB's trademark humor than usual. That's because, Penn and Teller admit, they were scared by their own research.

''PETA is a scary organization,'' says Teller ... who ordinarily is silent. (He finally speaks in this season's premiere, but, predictably, it's a word that makes newspaper copy editors throw up.)
What word is that?

I can think of a couple of sentences that could push me to the brink (What do you mean by cq?). But a word?

Any ideas?


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