Friday, April 23, 2004

Check those Dover photos

Some of the 361 casket photos on the Memory Hole are from people who died in Afghanistan, not just Iraq. Also, several organizations, including NASA, are reporting that most of the first page of the Memory Hole gallery includes photos from astronauts who died when the Columbia shuttle disintegrated.

So how can you tell if you ran the Columbia photos? has an example of one. They say they can tell because a man in brown slacks and a dark jacket is Deputy NASA Administrator Fred Gregory. The site says Columbia photos have been published by the Washington Post and CNN Headline News and distributed by the Associated Press and Reuters.

AP has a screen grab of the first page of the Memory Hole gallery, so you can also check that.

And here is NASA's press release.

UPDATE: Newsdesigner has a list of the papers (with Newseum links!) that ran front-page coffin photos.


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