Modern-day bartering for editors
As one of the people with sought-after Gmail invitations to give away, I had fun reading offers on Gmail Swap.
A few were editing related:
Someone will edit your college paper.
I will use said Gmail account, in part, to edit and process large numbers of e-mails of articles traveling between your campus and my computer.One is from a former copy editor who now teaches college English.
I will also write editorials, on whatever side of whatever topic you desire, including railing against people I've never heard of, under a silly Latin pseudonym like 'Vox Discipuli' (meaning 'Voice of the Students' I believe.) It is my belief that this silly Latin pseudonym will only add to the mystery and interest of your higher education publication.
I pledge to edit your publication for one full academic year, starting this fall, or earlier if you have summer printing. Upon invitation, I may extend this period for similar meaningless favors.
Someone should swap with me so that they will no longer feel abashed by their typos or just the things Miss Nospel never got around to teaching in 3rd grade.Not sure if I trust this one, though:
And I am a college-level English teacher, so you know I'll be right.
Prior to going into a teaching, I really was a copy-editor.
I will edit a document for you and help you turn what may now be gibberish: Whidigo Widigant Tidigo Gidigividige Midige IdigAn IdigAccidigoidigunt? into grammatically correct, readable English: Who wants to give me an account?And, not related to editing but related to indie rock: You can get a first-edition pressing of the Pixies' "Surfer Rosa."
Some past clients who will verify my expertise: F. S. Fitzgerald, E. Hemingway, W. Faulkner.
Nothing exciting. Because Google owns Blogger, it is offering accounts to some Blogger users.
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