Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Nice catch

The ombud at the Richmod Times-Dispatch lauds copy editors for some fine catches. (He includes changes to "A jaguar is still occasionally spotted in the Southwest," the "kitchen trailer had three confection ovens," and "On the ground, with the bull breathing in his face and armed only with a rolled-up newspaper, the man crossed his arms and tried not to look."

He included a quiz for readers, which is nice.

He also mentions that the paper has a monthly in-house newsletter from the Copy Desk, "A Quick Word," that includes good catches. Good idea, and it can produce fun examples.

Here are a few from the Wichita Eagle's in-house editing newsletter, "In Cold Type."
Her sister "said she received a standing ovation several years ago after singing the national anthem at a Mets game."
That's the favorite of copy chief Nick Jungman because it's so subtle, "but once you think about it, it's absolutely hilarious to think about this poor woman who actually thought they were standing just for her."
"One resident at the apartment complex ... told police he awoke shortly after 2 a.m. when a bullet struck his unit...."
Double ouch.
"In Butler County, flags lined many downtown streets in a show of support for the attacks that rocked the East Coast."
Supporters of terrorism in the heart of Kansas?
"A 15-year-old Wichita boy died Friday after he lost control of his motorcycle in north Wichita.... He was not wearing a seat belt."
Enough said.


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