Monday, July 12, 2004

Five minutes?

A peek into the life of a copy editor at the San Luis Obispo Tribune.
Copy editors write headlines. They do that typically in five minutes or less.
So ... five minutes for a typical headline. Think that's high or low for you?


At 4:52 PM, July 13, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vince Tuss here.

Reading this made me that it was the newspaper editor's column. And sure enough, after a search, she is the executive editor of the paper. Perhaps the editor isn't all that acquainted with how much time goes into headlines or what a typical night entails for a copy editor.

At 6:22 PM, July 13, 2004, Blogger jann said...

Vince, your posts here and on the ACES list are always so gloriously on and succinct that I'm sorry our paths have never crossed. You're so diplomatic in your observation here, about this editor's perception of what we do. So allow me to throw diplomacy to the wind. Five minutes for a headline? That's an insult to our profession.

Jann Nyffeler
Rochester, NY

At 6:58 PM, July 13, 2004, Blogger Nicole said...

Not that I've never written a headline in five minutes ... but typically?

No way.

At 12:15 AM, July 14, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vince Tuss again.

My comments were succinct because I left out the word think, as in "made me think"!

At 8:28 AM, May 14, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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