Wednesday, October 27, 2004


The Dallas Morning News laid off more than 50 people in the newsroom today. On top of that, even more were laid off in the business side of the paper. We lost about 150 people.

Thanks to everyone who sent notes to see if I survived. I did, but it's still been my least favorite workday ever. (And I used to work at a restaurant called the Catfish Hole.)

I've never been in such a somber work environment. It's a sad, sad day at the DMN.


At 1:35 PM, October 28, 2004, Blogger Nicole said...

We lost one news copy editor, one news designer. I'm sure there were more in other sections, but I don't know the numbers there.

At 11:58 AM, October 29, 2004, Blogger Mike said...

It wasn't JK, was it? She hasn't returned my e-mail yet and I'm worried.


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