Thursday, December 16, 2004

But there's no time to edit!

An Arizona novelist's books are so in demand that the publishers are skipping the editing process.

From a story in the Arizona Republic on Diana Gabaldon:
Her publisher is so eager to get them into print that the whole editing process has been done away with for Gabaldon.

She said her last book, The Fiery Cross, "went right off the disk I sent them and straight to the typesetter; there wasn't a copy editor. They sent me the galleys on a Tuesday, and I figured I'd spend about a month copy-reading them, but they said, 'We want them back Friday.' I spent four days with no sleep going over about 500,000 words."
And while I'm pulling that section, let me tell you how irksome I find that the writer introduced a partial quote and fused it onto the longer quote. (What's a more elegant way to say that? Bill?)



At 2:52 PM, December 17, 2004, Blogger Nicole said...

OK, no word from Bill on a more elegant way to describe this error. But in catching up on some reading today, I noticed that Doug Fisher at Common Sense Journalism discussed this Dec. 8. He described it "to fuse a partial quote with a following full sentence."

So, can we come up with a name? Partial-quote fusion?

Is there a better name already out there?

At 1:32 PM, December 21, 2004, Blogger Doug said...

How about "quofusion"? Then we could ask writers, "I have a bit of confusion about your quofusion here," giving them yet another reason to throw something.


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