In case you care
Dallas' D magazine has rated the best and worst puns in Dallas Morning News headlines from 2004.
Punny Headline in the News
BEST Texas Rangers reliever Frank Francisco responded to heckling from Oakland A’s fans by hurling a chair into the crowd and breaking a woman’s nose. The headline: “The Seat Hits the Fan.”
WORST A Sunnyvale schoolteacher used an experiment involving a cigarette and the classroom’s pet hamster to illustrate the effects of smoking. The headline: “Where There’s Smoke There’s Ire: PETA seeks the rodent less travailed, so teacher’s anti-tobacco lesson gets snuffed.”
I thought there was no such thing as a good pun in a headline.
I don't know who wrote either of the headlines. I could find out for you, Nick, but I think you're being FACETIOUS.
And I don't think "The seat hits the fan" is a bad headline. The pun certainly works both ways. Some people here at the time (if I remember correctly) did find it to be over the top.
As for the second one, it's a groaner. The main headline is good, in my opinion. But "rodent less travailed" is too much. Plus, it's difficult to translate the headline into English. I read it and wonder, "What the hell's going on?"
It can be tough to walk that line between clever and ridiculous. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
Ah, well. This is what I get for working in PR and getting my only education on hed-writing from Testy Copy Editors. :)
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