Thursday, September 22, 2005

September spawned a monster

When AP puts a colorful noun in a story, headline writers pounce. I can't believe how many headlines I've seen with "monster" in them.

Here's a sampling:
Rita Swirls Into 165-Mph Monster in Gulf [ABC News]
Storm becomes category 5 monster [Dallas Morning News deck]
Monster Hurricane Rita takes aim at Texas [Investor's Business Daily]
Hurricane Rita growing into a monster [Ottawa Sun]
Rita turns into monster hurricane [Mail & Guardian]
Gas up? Monster hurricane Rita heads for the oil rigs [WHAS]


At 8:59 AM, September 22, 2005, Blogger Scott Baradell said...

This blog is one of the most fun I've come across. I can't believe I'm just now finding it. You're a blogging monster!


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