Friday, October 28, 2005

Plame and Scooter

I knew that if I looked long enough I could find bad Scooter puns (updated Saturday afternoon):

Scooter Crash []
Scooter Broke Down [AlwaysOn]
Scooter rides out of White House [Jossip]
'Lies' about Iraq intel put a revved-up 'Scooter' on the warpath [New York Post]

So far so good for all print sources. Holla if you find something different.

And I'm not exactly sure what Michael Kinsley's getting at here, but I'll share anyway:
You can't knock the names, though. Above all, there is the wonderfully Pynchonesque Valerie Plame. Plame: headline writers and copy editors seeking a short label for this saga were drawn like moths to this mysterious beauty, a one-syllable word of only five letters. And yet the eponymous heroine of the Plame Affair or Plame Controversy has actually been off-stage the entire time. Except for a brief appearance in Vanity Fair, posed rakishly with her husband in a sports car, it's been Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.
Any ideas?


At 1:41 PM, October 29, 2005, Blogger Nicole said...

The New York Times style on Plame interests me. It's the only paper I've seen to call her Wilson instead. I assumed when I read it that it's probably more accurate, that she goes by Wilson now.

But if that's the case, why did everyone else stick with Plame?

At 5:13 AM, January 20, 2010, Anonymous Direct Bikes Review said...

Some of these are good, "the wheels have fallen of the whitehouse" Funny


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