Testy and funny?!
The editor of the Pantagraph devotes a column to copy editors and heaps praise on Testy Copy Editors.
Hollywood rarely makes movies about copy editors. So it's easy to get a sense you're a second-class citizen on what we call the "desk."I can't say that the humorous excerpts he pulls from the site reflect our funniest work, but I shouldn't complain.I've never felt that way because of what I said above and I've worked on the copy desk at other papers. I always felt I traded anonymity for a role where I had more influence on the final product. But for many copy editors that feeling lingers.
This is why I found a Web site called "Testy Copy Editors" -- www.testycopyeditors.org -- interesting.
I worked my first gig at the Pantagraph ... and got fired when my editors finally realized I didn't (and never would) have the stomach for beat reporting.
There are some great people at that paper. It's a top-notch organization.
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