Around the Web
>The" irritating" verb opt and Norway's Benedict Arnold [M-W Wordwatch column]
>Red diaper babies and the many meanings of soldier [Richard Creed column]
>Note to high school English teachers: Splitting infinitives is OK [James Kilpatrick column]
>"The Electric Company," with all its grammar lessons, is out on DVD [Newsday]
>Scientists find ability for grammar hardwired in humans [University of Rochester]
>Brain aneurysm kills longtime copy editor after shift [Editor & Publisher]
>Paper pays respects to State Journal copy editor [The Capital Times of Madison, Wis.]
Think the Rochester news buro is leaning on its own horn a little to hard in "Scientists find ability for grammar hardwired into humans?" A blurb in Science from December puts the research in better perspective:
"A study of several deaf people who
improvised a form of sign language to communicate with their families lends weight to what linguist Noam Chomsky first argued in the 1950s: that grammar is innate rather than learned."
Sorry to log a complaint as a first-time visitor to your fine blog, but news bureaus don't usually supply their own skepticism.
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