Thursday, July 27, 2006

Real or the Onion?

Spellcheck company corrects itself
News release touting error-checking software contained misspellings
TORONTO -- A company that sells software to correct irritating Internet spelling mistakes has reissued its latest news release to correct a minor snafu.

TextTrust, which says it focuses on "eliminating the negative text impressions on Web sites," re-released a Tuesday news release to correct a mistake that listed the most common spelling errors on "the 16 million we (sic) pages it has spell checked over the past year."

Illiterate Spirit Frustrates Ouija-Board Players
STRATTANVILLE, PA -- Late-night attempts to contact the spirit world proved more frustrating than enlightening for a slumber party of Strattanville teens Saturday when the only specter they were able to contact suffered from borderline illiteracy, sources said. The poorly educated revenant frustrated the seance participants, who quickly grew impatient with such otherworldly messages as "W-U-R-N-N-G -- F-U-M -- B-A-Y-O-N -- T-H-E -- G-R-A-V" and other hard-to-interpret information. Organizer Olivia Bamberger, 13, said they were all "embarrassed for the guy," and finally asked the wraith to tell them the future and "sound out the big words."


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